What are you thinking? - 2016
"It is said that human beings experience their world. What does that mean? Human beings explore the surface of things and experience them. They extract from them a relative knowledge to his condition, an experience. They experience what is in the things....
Drops of Air
"In that impalpable, invisible, almost unknown depth, minuscule presences converge. There are essence of feelingt in the immensity of the aquatic way. The levity of its weightless bodies is mixed by the inexhaustible forms and chromatisms of the way. I feel them like drops or air, found in the depths of an infinite ocean."
Beatriz Seijo
Plein Air
Este trabajo se empapa de la inmediatez, esto es, el rastro por mi retina del momento fugaz. Con todo este movimiento azaroso, se realzan mis ansias por atrapar la irrepetible sombra del instante.
This work is steeped in the immediacy, the brief trail of the moment throug my retina. With all this movement by chance, my longings for catching the unique shadow of the instant, are enhanced.
In this watercolor series, freshness, transparence and chromatic luminosity are combinated as reflex of its step along an elaborate and disciplined skill, appearing a free and firm execution.
En el grabado se armonizan aspectos conceptuales, estéticos y técnicos, en los cuales la investigación, la experimentación y el estudio de las diversas técnicas de impresión llevan a la producción de una obra gráfica.